Celtic Druid Alliance
A Living Expression of Primordial Tradition

Charter of Principles
The Celtic Druid Alliance is the International Alliance where Druidic Assemblies professing a Celtic Spirituality that is a worthy reflection of the Primordial Tradition converge. That is to say, that they are open to an engaging and respectful dialogue through the diverse Expressions of the Druidic Tradition regarding culture, identity, instituted practices and the observance of the fundamental principles of the Tradition (details below).
The Alliance Council is composed of Dignitary Priests from a number of countries and expressions representing conforming groups, and who have been signatories of the Charter of Principles, having at that time received the respective seal of recognition for the right of regular membership of the Celtic Druid Alliance.
General Provisions
Article 1
(Definition and objectives)
1. The Celtic Druid Alliance - hereinafter referred to as the International Alliance of the Primordial Tradition or CDA - is an international platform of a spiritual, ethical and philosophical nature, of fraternal union and of regular recognition in the observance of the Primordial Tradition.
The CDA is made up of spiritualised communities that, by their actions, have demonstrated their commitment to building, practising and defending a dignified and enlightened, courageous and true, fair and tolerant, free and solidary, equitable and multi-cultural Druidic Spirituality, thus being welcoming and more sustainable with regard to Nature and promoting an identity of belonging to Celtic Culture.
All member groups of the International Alliance of the Primordial Tradition assume, by the act of signature of their representatives, the commitment to an observance of the Primordial Tradition based on the principles below.
Article 2
(Statement of Principles)
1. The CDA assumes in its general scope:
a) The recognition of Nature as a supremely Sacred Being and assumes the Primordial Druidic Tradition as an Animistic, non-dogmatic and initiatory Spirituality;
b) The development of activities aimed at the recognition of the Primordial Druidic Tradition as a worthy, harmonious and enlightened Spirituality.
c) The commitment to the observance of the Primordial Tradition through a continuous search for universal meaning, with the free transmission of knowledge and with the provision of a worthy path for a conscious realisation through action of human destiny in the face of the world;
d) That the reception and practice of the sacramental office must be done in a most dignified manner, not lacking in equity and that must not be, at any time or under any circumstances, discriminatory, thus promoting contemplation and a deep feeling of Druidic Spirituality.
2. The CDA undertakes within its specific scope:
a) To be an organization bonded to the truth and based on ethical principles promoting a worthy Spirituality;
b) To practice a sustained development of its activities;
c) To ensure equity in the care applicable to all beings that inhabit the Earth;
d) To follow an orientation suitable to the interests of all its Members;
e) To fight for non-discrimination based on age, race, creed, socio-economic status and gender;
f) To promote Well-being in the practice of Spirituality, along with an ethic of responsibility and care for the environment, animals, plants and resources;
g) To contribute to the construction of a more spiritual society through the example of our practices;
h) To stimulate the development of a practice of Tradition that is truly solidary and respectful of human dignity
Article 3
(Being a member of the CDA)
1. All organized groups that adhere to our spiritual, ethical, philosophical and liturgical ideas, and whose activities are not for profit, can be part of the CDA.
Such members, after being duly certified by the Council of the Alliance, will have the right to participate in defining the guidelines and actions of the CDA.